Prevention of anabolic steroid abuse, integration of disadvantaged youth into fitness activities and development of critical youth thinking

The activities will be attended by members of the project target group – three participants with one accompanying person. The selection of participants will take place at least 4 weeks before the actual activity. Disadvantaged youth groups will be positively discriminated when selecting participants.

The aim of the mobility will be to acquaint participants with

– prevention of anabolic steroid abuse, including the development of critical thinking in this current issue

– integration of disadvantaged youth into fitness activities

– enhancing participants’ previous LTTA skills (healthy sports nutrition, injury prevention)

Partial activities to exchange best practices and experiences will take place on these topics.

Forms of work:

– in international groups

– all participants together


– workshops

-learning by doing

– presentation


– new knowledge of participants about the dangers of anabolic steroid abuse

– developing critical thinking skills in participants’ attitudes towards anabolic steroids

– new knowledge and skills of participants on the integration of disadvantaged youth into fitness activities

– enhancing participants’ knowledge and skills to prevent injury (proper exercise; appropriate exercise selection; warm-up and stretching and techniques)

– enhancing participants’ knowledge and skills on healthy sports nutrition (adequate choice of species and quantity of food, ability to create a sports diet)


(a) new competences of participants – Participants can name the most commonly used anabolic steroids and their short and long-term side effects- Participants are critical of anabolic steroids- Participants can judge which non-professional indoor and outdoor environment can be used for fitness activities- Participants choose appropriate exercises for the appropriate muscle group in non-professional indoor and outdoor environments- Participants eat adequately with their fitness activities and goals- Participants carry out training using appropriate exercises and adequate warm-up and stretching

(b) physical outputs – An overview of the most commonly used anabolic steroids and their short and long-term side effects published online- videos about proper exercise in non-professional indoor and outdoor environment

(c) popularizing of the European Youthpass and Europass Language Passports- All youth participants will receive a Youthpass and prepare a Europass Language Passport

(d) contributing to the increase in youth mobility

7 working days + 2 travel days