Project description
The Youth Report of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports shows that only a quarter of young people (15-30 years) in the Czech Republic are actively engaged in sports clubs (the EU average is 34%). For example, the situation is worse in Bulgaria, there are not any available for Turkey. According to the results of New Eurobarometer on sport and physical activity, 46% of the EU population does never sports. Our goal is to strengthen the opportunities of young people and their own potential for active leisure spending through sports fitness activities. Through an international exchange of best practices and experience, the project aims to create opportunities for free online youth education and to provide youth workers with a tool to enhance this potential. The problem that this project seeks to reduce is the abuse of anabolic steroids, which, according to NMS, reaches 5.4%.
The aim of the project is to meet the needs of young people, focusing on the development of physical activities of the youth with emphasis on fitness, prevention of pathological social phenomena, prevention of anabolic steroid abuse, strengthening of critical thinking in connection with fitness lifestyle, prevention of health damage by incorrect technique of performing fitness activities , the involvement of socially and economically disadvantaged youth groups in fitness activities, exchange of best practices and experience in the field of sports activities.
The project involves 18 outgoing LTTA participants and 6 outgoing accompanying persons and local participants, 18 outgoing transnational meeting participants and local participants. The project also involves 2000 participants of online educational activities and 300 participants of face-to-face educational activities. They will be selected from youth according to their interest in sports fitness activities. Within five years from the end of the project, educational activities will take place for min. 300 project target group members in all partner countries.
There will be three LTTAs focusing on the project objectives described above and three transnational meetings. The objectives of the project will be achieved by realizing the following partial outputs, continuously generated by a team of experts including professionals, fitness professionals and fitness sportsmen from the youth with appropriate implementation of partial tasks into LTTAs and transnational meetings. These will be primarily a structured set of free educational online materials including educational videos, a methodological guide for trainers that takes into account the involvement of disadvantaged young people in fitness activities, recommendations for European and Turkish non-profit organizations active in the field of sport to increase the motivation of the target group to look for fitness activities initiatively a independently and the acquisition of the right techniques for their implementation and the acquisition of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.
The project will have an impact on LTTA participants in new knowledge and / or participants’ skills on motivational incentives to engage in sports activities, on motivating youth to perform sporting activities, on the dangers of using anabolic steroids, on integrating disadvantaged young people into fitness activities, on injury prevention and healthy sports nutrition. Participants will develop the ability to communicate in English, interpersonal communication, they will define themselves against prejudice, racism and xenophobia, use the European Youthpass and Europass passports. The project will impact participants in transnational meetings by developing their IT, professional / scientific, dissemination and organizational skills. The project will have an impact on partner organizations by their intensive involvement into international networks of non-profit organizations, the development of expert knowledge and skills of co-workers and the development of their project management skills.
Europe for you, z.s. develops a plan for the sustainability of key project outputs. At least 5 years after the end of the project, all processed outputs will be available online free of charge.
The project will be useful in the long run by opening free online fitness education for European youth, by providing training in fitness activities and for disadvantaged youth through a published methodological guide in English, enhancing the quality and involvement of young people in sporting activities by drawing up recommendations for European and Turkish non-profit organizations active in the field of sport.